The term Teacup is now a common term created and used by unethical crooks such as SCAMMERS or breeders who LIE to get your $$. Unethical breeders use it to lure impulsive people into buying a tiny cute little puppy.They make believe that ANY puppy they sell you will remain tiny as an adult so you will buy from them. The TRUTH is that ALL Pomeranian puppies are tiny! But ALL grow up! Most between the sizes of 4-7lbs as that is the AKC standard. Many Scammers, dont even have a puppy! They sell False promises. See our Avoid Scams page to learn more.
Many believe that a TOY or TeaCup is the new trend in dogs. They believe a tiny puppy is such a novelty, rare and adorable they will pay grand amounts to own one. They want attention, and will use a dog to get it. Many BUY without thinking first if they should. This desire makes YOU AND EASY TARGET! If you ask "Do you have TEACUP poms for sale?" it is so easy for the person your asking to say "yes, we do" and they just lie from there to take your $$. That is why so many ethical breeders will get so angry when you might ask that, and they will quickly explain there is NO SUCH THING as a 'teacup Pomeranian" as they do not want to be associated with that term, which to them, associates them with scammers and thieves. Sadly though, many beleive there are different categories of poms just as there are in poodles. So I can see where people can easily be mislead. Poms have only one classification, that is TOY. There is no TEACUP classification.
I have seen many websites advertising very large puppies as “Adult size will be 3 lbs or less!”. Every puppy is listed that way. They label them all as "Teacup Pomeranian for sale, Tiny Micro Pomeranian for sale, or even Micro Teacup pomeranian puppy for sale. " EVERY puppy on their site will be labeled this way...Stay away from those! Many sites do not even have a puppy to sell. That cute adorable kitten looking puppy is a FAKE pic...again see my SCAMMERS page so you know what to look for.
Ethical breeders can't be 100% correct in predicting exact adult sizes of their puppies. Even when they choose to keep one for themselves. There are no guarantees in how any puppy will grow up to look like. How can these other breeders have ESP and know ALL their puppies will mature to be teacups? How can they promise EVERY puppy on their site is a teacup who will be just 2 lbs grown? True Teacups are very rare and it is NOT common to have a whole litter of them, let alone, litter after litter.
True teacups, ones that are less then the standard 4lbs, are more likely to be prone to health problems. This is especially true if they are bred to be to small and size is the ONLY thing a breeder is focused on, and not the overall health of their breeding program. So consider the info below before you decide that you want a smaller then standard size Pomeranian puppy, people refer to as TeaCup puppies. Know the risks involved in owning a smaller then average TOY breed.
Know the risks involved in owning a Teacup, Toy, or Pocket Pom.
Here are a few Facts:
A puppy who is under 1lb or under by the age of 8 weeks old is not likely to survive to adulthood
A dog who is only 2-4 lbs as an adult is more prone to health defects such as:
Open Fontanel
Heart Murmur
Hypoglycemia even as an adult
Fragile or underdeveloped bones and body-patellas being weaker-bones break easier.
Enlarged Heart
Liver Shunt
Early Death-will not reach 2 years old in age.
- A tiny dog will be more prone to Hypoglycemia and need more attention to be sure they eat often
- A tiny dog is easier to step on if left loose in your home.
- A tiny dog needs 100% supervision to keep them from injuring themselves,they get hurt easier!
- A tiny dog may need special or extra vet care, such as med's/tests, even an adult.
- A tiny dog may be at a higher risk in surgical procedures due to size.
- All tiny dogs are more prone to have common illnesses become fatal.
Many puppy mills and scammers will tell you that Teacups are just like any other puppy.
That is not true.
True Teacups need far more care than your average puppy/dog. They are highly prone to hypoglycemia and will need to be managed with frequent feedings. You may have to also learn how to manage a hypoglycemic episode if your baby has one. For this reason a smaller then average puppy should only go to homes where someone can be with them all day. At least until they are older then 4 months or longer. Hypoglycemia can be fatal if not treated asap and it is very common in toy dogs. Any pom is prone to it, but the smaller they are, the more frequent the occurraece can be.
Smaller then average puppies/dogs can have more health issues that can cause high vet bills. The most common problems a super small dog may have is a heart murmur or an open fontanel. Most puppies can live healthy normal lives with these defects. But they will need to be watched over and kept safe. It might be harder for these puppies to adjust to the trauma of going to a new home. Most of these tiny ones, may suffer hypoglycemia, Guardia or Cocci at higher and more frequent numbers because their systems are so fragile and weak. These conditions may also be harder to fight off for the smaller ones, and what might be harmless to a normal size puppy, could be fatal for a tiny one and vet care will be required. Now add to that, many come from unethical breeders allow them to leave before they should be away from mother, and you have a puppy set up and sold to die for profit. Don't support this! Do your homework! NO PUPPIES should ever leave their mother before the age of 8 weeks old. Some need to be with their mothers until they are 10-12 weeks.
Any puppy that is not 1 lbs by 8 weeks, can be considered a HUGE HEALTH risk. Being so small at 8 weeks are at a higher risk to not even reach adulthood. They may require much more attention, work, or vet bills to be sure the puppy grows and matures Healthy. Most ethical breeders do not breed for such high risks. However, since we are not all powerful, and we can't manipulate the gene pool to perfection as we may wish, we do occasionally get such tiny little ones from time to time, just as we may occasionally get one who will be larger. Most ethical breeders however will tell you the same thing, that the smaller the dog, the higher the risk may be for health problems. These little ones require more help from good breeders to, to keep them healthy, and that is why smaller ones may cost more.
Is a Tea Cup right for you?
Ask yourself the following:
1. Can I be home with my tiny companion 24 hours a day?
2. Did I do research on this breed, know the health risks, and can it fit into my lifestyle/schedule?
3. Do I have time to groom weekly as needed?
4. Can I afford the vet care he or she will need after purchase?
5. Can I handle the stress of the extra 24/7 care the puppy will need?
6. Will I still love this puppy even if they get bigger or smaller then I expected?
7. Can I give up sleep if needed to watch,comfort, or care for the puppy?
8. Can I devote the time and funds needed to train the puppy?
8. Will I be patient training the puppy, even if it takes up to 6 months to potty train?
10. Will I be willing to change my plans if the puppy needs me?
11. Do I have a babysitter I can trust for the puppy should I need one?
12. Do I have a vet I can trust?
13. Is my family ready for a new addition that might change things such as no vacations or trips for awhile ect?
14. If I were a puppy, would I like yourself, and recommend myself, as an owner?
15. Do I have experience in dog ownership?
16. A first time dog owner should not start out with a teacup. The extra care required can be to much.
Are there Healthy Teacups out there?
I have tried to put this page together to help educate you, and to help you understand the risks involved in owning a True Teacup. I want to say that I know many many healthy so called Teacups who have lived happy full lives with NO problems, and NO extra health issues. But, the majority who use this term are puppy mills so the majority who sell 'just Teacups' should NOT be trusted as they only care about a quick sale that is final, even if they are knowingly selling a sick animal.
I just want people to understand the risks. I want new owners to be aware and educate themselves, so that they can make informed decisions for themselves and not get taken advantage of, or jump into a sale they are not ready for.
Please also understand not all health issues a dog has, or may develop in its life, is the fault of the breeder nor is it just because they are small. Unethical Breeders make so many honest breeders look bad. There are many of us who are honest, and raise poms because we LOVE them and enjoy them. But even we can't control genes in our dogs any more then parents can control what genes their children will inherit. If we could, we would be very wealthy, and all health problems cured! But a good ethical breeder tries! They screen adults, and adjust breeding practices based on issues that might come up. But even then, things can and will show up in ANY gene pool. We are working with variables that can not be controlled with 100% Accuracy by anyone. I think most should be cautious of breeders who make grand promises about their puppies they sell. Find an honest breeder. Most should tell you the bad of the breed and not just the good. Ask for refs, and check those refs. Even if they tell you they can't promise you the things you want to hear, that might be a much better resource for you. I NEVER promise any of my puppies will be tiny as adults. I may say I think they will be small, based on experience, but I always tell people I can't be sure on how a puppy will grow to mature. Be skeptical of those who do make such claims.
What about you, do you get and sell true Teacups?
I start with healthy parents of healthy sizes. Most mothers are 5-7lbs. This allows for easy birthing, and less risk of producing fatal teacups, c cections, or health risks to the mother. Most parents have a parent or grandparent in the 4-5lb range. This helps to produce the ideal sizes of 4-7lbs and avoid super tiny, to large, and fatals. Even with this practice, I do get smaller then standard sizes and larger ones occasionally too. However, if I think I have a super tiny puppy, I would never Guarantee it to be a teacup or label it as such. I will tell you I think it might be a tiny dog as an adult, but I will also tell you, I can't be 100% sure. Only God knows for sure what the final Look and size of the puppy will be.
All our puppies are vet checked at approx 8 weeks before they go home with new owners. So if any suffer from anything, all new potential owners will be told ahead of time. All puppies come with a 1 year guarantee. If your puppy should suffer something genetically fatal in the first year, I will replace the puppy.
Yes, I have produced several tiny puppies who are very healthy and happy. Not all will have health related problems but not all have been without some minor issues either. Not all people looking to buy a tiny dog, should own one as they are not responsible enough to take on all the challenges that owning a tiny one may put on them. If I do get them I am very picky on where they go, and I am honest about any risk involved in buying one. I wanted to create this page and let people know, when trying to buy a super tiny, there is always a potential risk. You take on that risk when you look to buy the runt of the litter and try to buy an unhealthy tiny sized dog. For some it is worth the risk and cost. I just wanted to put this out there for so many who didn't know there were such risks.
Thanks for taking the time to read this. I hope it helped inform you a bit about the risk Tea Cups can be. If you have any questions, feel free to email me. I am not just about selling Pomeranians, so even if you are not trying to buy from me, I will still be happy to help you in any way I can, so don't be to shy to email me.